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Literature concerning the lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

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Ca: Caekebeke (1986) Vergelijkende studie epifytische Lichenen Denderstreek

Caekebeke, G., 1986. - Vergelijkende studie van de epifytische lichenen van de Denderstreek: 1962-1985. - Thesis, Univ. Gent, 218 pp. (Ca)

Clauzade, G. & C. Roux, 1985. - Likenoj de Okcidenta Europa. Ilustrita determinlibro. - Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, N. S., no spécial, 1-893.

Clauzade, G., C. Roux & R. Rieux, 1981. - Les Acarospora de l’Europe occidentale et de la région méditerranéenne. - Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille 41: 41-93.

Clerc, P, 1987. - Sytematics of the Usnea fragilescens aggregate and its distribution in Scandinavia. - Nord. J. Bot. 7: 479-495.

Clerc, P., 1991. - Usnea madeirensis Mot. (ascomycète lichénisé): une espèce méconnue de l’Europe et de l’Amérique du Nord. - Candollea 46: 427-438.

Coppins, B. J. & P. P. G. van den Boom, 1995. - Micarea confusa: a new species from zinc- and cadmium-contaminated soils in Belgium and the Netherlands. - Lichenologist 27: 81-90.

Coppins, B. J. & P. P. G. van den Boom, 2002. - Bacidia brandii, a new lichen species from the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Lithuania. - Lichenologist 34: 327-332.

Coppins, B. J., 1988. - Skyttea refractiva, a new lichenicolous discomycete. - Notes RBG Edinb. 45: 171-173.

Coppins, B. J., 1989. - Notes on the Arthoniaceae in the British Isles. - Lichenologist 21: 195-216.

Coppins, B. J., P. W. James & D. L. Hawksworth, 1992. - New species and combinations in The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. - Lichenologist 24: 351-369.

Coppins, B., 1981. - Phaeographis Müll. Arg. - In: Bestimmungsschlüssel europäischer Flechen. Ergänzungsheft II, eds. Poelt & V?zda, Bibl. Lichenol. 16: 243-244.

Coppins, B., 1995. - Two new, diminutive Micarea species from Western Europe. - Bibl. Lichenol. 58: 57-62.