Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Arthonia elegans auct. brit., non (Ach.) Almq. © by Paul Diederich   Arthonia elegans auct. brit., non (Ach.) Almq.
« Arthonia didymaArthonia epiphyscia »
see legend below picture
Arthonia elegans – France (Boul.), Pas-de-Calais, forêt de Boulogne, 2000, Diederich 14274 – © 2006 by P. Diederich

On Buxus and Corylus twigs in shaded and humid valleys.

Belgium: Mosan: RRR.

Luxembourg: - .

France: Boul.: RRR.

Also reported from Belgium: Fl. (<1900), but relevant material not found.

Lit.: Boul.: 66, van den Boom & Sérusiaux (1996: 22).

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