Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Arthonia galactites (DC.) Dufour © by Paul Diederich   Arthonia galactites (DC.) Dufour
« Arthonia fuscopurpureaArthonia graphidicola »
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Arthonia galactites – Luxembourg, before 1850, Tinant 311 (LUX) – © 2006 by P. Diederich

Corticolous, mainly on the smooth bark of Populus in Xanthorion communities.

Belgium: Fl.: RR (†1856), Brab.: RRR (†1895), Mosan: RRR (†1848), Ard.: RRR (†<1865).

Luxembourg: Distr. unknown: RRR (†<1850).

France: - .

Now extinct throughout the area of study.

Lit.: Di: 39-40, L5: 8-9, Mü5: 23.

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