Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Arthonia muscigena Th. Fr. © by Paul Diederich   Arthonia muscigena Th. Fr.
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Arthonia muscigena – France (Mar.), Pas-de-Calais, Cran-aux-Oeufs, 2001, Diederich 14877 – © 2006 by P. Diederich

Syn.: A. leucodontis (Poelt & Döbbeler) Coppins, Catillaria melanobola f. frullaniae B. de Lesd.

On bark of Lycium, Malus, Salix and Ulmus in ruderal conditions, often over corticolous mosses, also overgrowing the thalli of Bacidina chloroticula on living leaves of Buxus.

Belgium: Mosan: RR, Ard.: RR.

Luxembourg: Lorr.: RRR.

France: Mar.: RR (type locality of C. melanobola f. frullaniae).

Lit.: Boul.: 66, Di: 41, L5: 9-10, NL84: 11, NL97: 44, Coppins (1989: 203), Sérusiaux (1996: 220), van den Boom & Sérusiaux (1996: 21).

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