Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Aspicilia calcarea (L.) Mudd © by Paul Diederich   Aspicilia calcarea (L.) Mudd
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Aspicilia calcarea – Belgium (Mosan), Han-sur-Lesse, 1997, Diederich 12980 – © 2006 by P. Diederich

Syn.: Lecanora calcarea (L.) Sommerf.

On hard calcareous rocks in natural habitats, rarely on sandstone rocks, and on artificial substrata (walls, stonework in cemeteries, etc.).

Belgium: Mar.: R, Fl.: R, Camp.: RR, Brab.: AR, Mosan: CC, Ard.: RRR.

Luxembourg: Ard.: RRR, Lorr.: R.

France: Mar.: RR, Boul.: RR, Lorr.: R.

Lit.: Boul.: 66, Ertz: 18, La69: 105, Mü1: 151, NL84: 12, NL92: 167, VGH: 114, Hoffmann & Van Rompu (1995), Zwaenepoel et al. (1994: 37).

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