Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Bacidia friesiana (Hepp) Körb. © by Paul Diederich   Bacidia friesiana (Hepp) Körb.
« Bacidia circumspectaBacidia fuscoviridis »
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0.5 mm
Bacidia friesiana – Belgium (Mosan), Blégny, 1990, Sérusiaux (LG) – © 2008 by D. Ertz

Corticolous, on Sambucus.

Belgium: Mosan: RRR.

Luxembourg: - .

France: - .

Reported from Belgium: Mosan (Weillen near Dinant) on Sambucus by BDL2: 40, but relevant material not seen. Also doubtfully reported from N France (Boul.: 60).

Lit.: L11.

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