Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Chaenothecopsis ochroleuca (Körb.) Tibell & K. Ryman © by Paul Diederich   Chaenothecopsis ochroleuca (Körb.) Tibell & K. Ryman
Chaenothecopsis parasitaster »
see legend below picture
20 µm
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Chaenothecopsis ochroleuca – Luxembourg (Ard.), Insenborn, on cf. Haematomma ochroleucum, 2007, Kuborn (herb. Diederich) (in KOH) – © 2007 by P. Diederich

Lichenicolous, on cf. Haematomma ochroleucum, over siliceous rocks.

Belgium: - .

Luxembourg: Ard.: RRR.

France: - .

Lit.: Kuborn & Diederich (2008).

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