Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Xanthoria ucrainica S. Y. Kondr. © by Paul Diederich   Xanthoria ucrainica S. Y. Kondr.
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Xanthoria ucrainica – Luxembourg (Lorr.), Lorentzweiler – © 2003 by Paul Diederich

Corticolous, nitrophilous, on roadside trees, in orchards, etc., often at the base of trunks.

Belgium: Mar.: C, Fl.: C, elsewhere: AC-C.

Luxembourg: Ard.: C, Lorr.: C.

France: Mar.: RRR, Boul.: RR, Pic.: RRR, Brab., Mosan, Ard., Lorr.: AR-C.

Lit.: L9, L14: 111.

Most populations previously called Xanthoria candelaria appear to belong to X. ucrainica. The distribution map shows X. candelaria, incl. X. ucrainica.

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