Lichens of Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France

Distribution map of Cladonia cariosa (Ach.) Spreng. © by Paul Diederich   Cladonia cariosa (Ach.) Spreng.
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Cladonia cariosa – Belgium (Lorr.), Arlon, Chantemelle – © 2002 by Freddy Vermeulen

On sandy, ±calcareous soil, also found on industrial soil slightly contaminated with heavy metals (Pb and Zn).

Belgium: Camp.: RRR, Brab.: RR, Mosan: R, Ard.: RR, Lorr.: RRR.

Luxembourg: Ard.: RRR, Lorr.: RR.

France: - .

Lit.: La69: 142, L8: 21-22, Mü1: 146, NL87: 20, Diederich (1985b: 30), Van den Broeck (2011).

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