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Organisation of the checklist - Data provided for each species

For each accepted taxon, listed in alphabetic order, the following data are provided (some being optional):

  • the name;
  • common synonyms, and synonyms found in the literature of the study area [for Belgium, the literature published after Duvigneaud & Giltay (1938), and for Luxembourg, that published after Koltz (1897) has been screened for synonyms; most synonyms published by Bouly de Lesdain in his papers from northern France are not yet included];
  • known or presumed teleomorph or anamorph connections;
  • ecology in the study area;
  • distribution in the study area; the current knowledge is given by country (Belgium, Luxembourg, France) and within each country by phytogeographical districts;
  • useful comments;
  • literature pertinent to the study area.