National Natural History Museum |
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Licence en Mathématiques, 1979-83
Université de Liège, Belgium
Studies in Computer Science, 1986-87
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
PhD Sciences/Botany, 1989
Professional Experience
Teacher in Mathematics. Ecole de Commerce et de Gestion, Luxembourg.
Research associate. National Natural History Museum, Luxembourg.
Research Projects
1. Lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France.
With Emmanuël Sérusiaux (Liège, Belgium) and others.
Checklist, database, distribution atlas, website: http://www.lichenology.info.
Checklist (Diederich & Sérusiaux 2000): http://www.mnhn.lu/recherche/lichens/default.htm.
Macrolichen flora (Sérusiaux, Diederich & Lambinon 2004): http://www.mnhn.lu/recherche/ferrantia/liste_detail.asp?ID=41 and http://www.bionat.ulg.ac.be/taxophylo/publications/macrolichens.html.
2. Taxonomy of lichenicolous fungi, especially of Helotiales and heterobasidiomycetes.
With Damien Ertz (Brussels, Belgium) and Javier Etayo (Pamplona, Spain).
3. Phylogeny and taxonomy of lichenicolous sclerotial and bulbilliferous basidiomycetes.
With James Lawrey (Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.A.).
4. Checklist of lichenicolous fungi on foliicolous lichens.
With Robert Lücking (Chicago, U.S.A.) and Javier Etayo (Pamplona, Spain).
5. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Roccellaceae.
With Damien Ertz (Brussels, Belgium).
6. Taxonomy of lichenicolous Taeniolella.
With Uwe Braun (Halle, Germany).
2004. Edward Tuckerman Award. For the best paper in lichenology published in The Bryologist during 2003. Awarded by the American Bryological and Lichenological Society.
1991. Van Rompaey Award. For the best paper in botany in Belgium and Luxembourg during the past two years. Awarded by the National Botanic Garden of Belgium.
1979. 11th European Philips Contest for Young Scientists and Inventors, Oslo, Sweden. Certificate of Distinction.